A new EthicScience prize : Complementarity for Valitox

4 December 2018
A new EthicScience prize : Complementarity for Valitox

The Poietis company and it’s founder Dr. Kevin Fournier are teaming up with the AOP (Anti Oxidant Power) company led by Christophe Furger to put in place a proof of concept allowing exploitation of developments in both technologies.

The idea is to apply the Lucs/Valitox technology developed by AOP to human tissue models bio-printed by Poietis. If this proof of concept leads to conclusive outcomes, we’ll be able to submit this new generation of in vitro methods for validation by the ECVAM (European Center for Validation Alternative Methods), thereby actively participating in alternatives to animal testing. It’s a matter of marrying the protocol of bio-printing human tissue (Poieskin) to the technology of Lucs/Valitox.

This team-work proposal, a new departure for Valitox, has been chosen as its 2019 project  by EthicScience.

Poietis is a biotechnology company specialised in the development and production of 4D bio-printed human tissue.1

Since its establishment in 2014 the company has concentrated on physiological models. Poietis promotes Poieskin, the first bio-printed human skin brought to market.  Poietis’ technology of bio-printing is the result of six years of innovative resarch carried out by the INSERM2 and Bordeaux University.

To support the 2018/2019 EthicScience prize, we’re appealing to your generosity !

Your donations will support the combining of these two technologies : Lucs/Valitox and 4D printing, which together can provide a great example and a significant boost to the validation of alternative methods. Last year, thanks to your gifts, we were able to send a cheque for 15,300€ to Professor Schwamborn’s team.

  1. 4D printing uses the same techniques of three dimensional printing through computer-programmed deposition of material in successive layers to create a three dimensionl object, but 4D printing adds the dimension of transformation over time.
  2. Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale