October 2022 — The European Commission announced the postponement of the revision of the regulations on the Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals REACH. Initially scheduled for the end of 2022, the review of REACH will finally take place at the end […]
PARC (Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals), is a network developed under the aegis of the European framework program HORIZON EUROPE (2021 – 2027) which aims, with the participation of Member States and associated countries in collaboration with partners, to […]
Pro Anima participated in this successful collective initiative. In the following paragraphs, you’ll find the results of all the actions carried out. A unifying initiative 365 days. 27 countries. More than 10 million animals used in laboratories in Europe and […]
Tens of thousands of mice are still being killed for botox The European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE) of which Pro Anima is a member, revealed that tens of thousands of mice are killed in cruel botox tests despite existing […]
In early December, the Pro Anima Scientific Committee heard the good news that the Lemarchand Foundation will be supporting the EthicScience Prize for 2022. The Lemarchand Foundation, for the balance between human and environment, is dedicated to supporting associations that […]