NEWS, REPORTS & POSITION STATEMENTS 1. Lab-grown tumours predict treatment outcomes in landmark study Bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, remains the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. A world-first study, led by WEHI researchers and published in […]
NEWS, REPORTS & POSITION STATEMENTS 1. Using AI to Predict the Probability of Success in Drug Development Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the latest tools deployed to reduce costs and increase drug discovery, security assessment and development productivity. AI […]
NEWS, REPORTS & POSITION STATEMENTS 1. Big Pharma steps up race for AI-discovered drugs Pharmaceutical giants, including Swiss firms Roche and Novartis, are betting big on artificial intelligence to discover new drugs to treat a range of diseases. AI’s potential […]
NEWS, REPORTS & POSITION STATEMENTS 1. Latest British Toxicology Society (BTS) Public Statement New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) collectively refer to technology-enabled strategies for obtaining information about the toxicity of chemicals without relying on traditional animal testing. These strategies have the […]
NEWS, REPORTS & POSITION STATEMENTS 1. Standing the test of COVID-19 : charting the new frontiers of medicine The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated research and innovation across numerous fields of medicine. It emphasized how disease concepts must reflect dynamic and heterogeneous interrelationships […]