David Volpi is the author and artistic director of the comic strip Sentience. We re delighted to announce that half of the proceed from the sales were donated to Pro anima. We warmly thank David for this support ! Please visit his Facebook page […]
In April Pro Anima had the opportunity to attend a veterinary congress held at Utrecht (The Netherlands). Salomé Pollet our specialist made a lecture and promoted alternatives to animal testing to a large audience of veterinarians and veterinary students with […]
Significant part of molecules successfully tested on rodents prove to be invalidated when tested on humans. Researcher Steve Perin states in this artcile that 80% of potential drugs fail in clinical trials. He condemnes the huge financial waste and false […]
In December 2012 and January 2013, the association Doctors Against Animal Experiments supplied three more departments in L’viv, Donetsk and Vinnitsa with animal-free teaching materials. In return they will stop all animal experimentation in their students’ training. More than 5,700 […]
We are happy and proud to announce the remittance of our petition « REACH : non aux tests sur les animaux, oui à la biologie moderne » (REACH : no to animal testing ! yes to advanced biology ) with a total of 104 515 […]